Io le dissi ridendo -Ma signora Aquilone, non le sembra un po' idiota questa sua occupazione?
Lei mi prese la mano e mi disse -Chissà? Forse in fondo a quel filo c'è la mia libertà.

Anyone English?

Dear readers,
today is the 24th of December, so let's give a Christmas present to my blog! In order to reach also non Italian-speaking people, I'll try to spend a bit more time to translate in English some of my posts: I inaugurated my venture with "tagliolini al limone". My idea is in fact to translate just the recipes (at leats some of them), as I suppose some non-Italian people to be mostly interested in the gastronomic background of a passionate although not professional Italian cook. You'll find the traslated recipes tagged with "english".
I'll be also pleased to have the collaboration and/or suggestions of Italian readers who are more used than me with English.
In any case, sorry for my grammatical errors!
Merry Christmas. every night I dream my unrealizable, unreasonable, unrecognizable, unjamestaylorable, unstatesmanlike dream come true.